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Watch Those Preachers – Your Personal Walk!

Don’t partner with preachers, walk with the Holy Spirit, let Him lead and guide you into All Truth and transform your Ways to move in harmony with Him. When you allow Him to do this, He can then lead you into His Purposes and Blessings in your life. The real Blessings accompany His purpose lived out in your life. There is no separate package. He is not silly, He does not work that way.

“Oh but the Televangelist told me!” you say. Did The Lord really say those things in His Word? Or was it some kind of Tex-Mex Mix and Match of Scripture Verses taken Out of Context for the Preacher’s argument of persuasion, you will see if you read Scriptures in their TRUE CONTEXT. If you Read Scripture often this way, you will become a student of the Holy Spirit and you will know things for yourself, not just hearsay over a platform, so it must be right. If you are lazy to invest some quality time in His Word, you get what you get. Words are Cheap when they come from a Carnal Preacher, bent on his/her own pursuits. It's very deceptive. There are so many misleading preachers in our day!

They specialize in all manner of enticements, to find their way to your pocket, and maybe bust your budget to get you out of debt.  Believe me, that actually happens sometimes because of the Spirit of Seduction that governs them. Hardly a leading of the Holy Spirit, because He is HOLY – He is grieved by Self-Serving Preachers dishing out Temptations in the Name of God they take in vain. They give you short shopping lists to Get what you want out of God (things you desire the most) for outrageous amounts of dollars that would break most people’s piggy banks if they buy in to those persuasions.” 

“Oh but it sounds so holy, he’s prophetic” you say…….”these Feasts of Israel God is restoring, sounds hopeful”…………exactly, you build your hopes on that spiritual sounding jargon, without discerning what manner of man or woman is preaching to you. The Apostle Paul had strong words to say about that kind in his day. Do you really think it’s any different in our Day? NO! Those who were troubling and distracting Christians in his day were like armatures compared to some of the “Preachers” of our Day. Extremely Crafty and highly Skilled at twisting Bible Verses while you’re calling them Servants of God.

And you know what? It makes them very happy that you think that way. Jesus called them Hirelings (because they’ve sold their soul to the devil) Paul called them a devilish lot (saying their conscience is seared with a hot iron)……..I call them the Greed Breed (they know NO shame, absolutely none). Just like Proverbs says, people like that ”don’t sleep at night unless they’ve done wrong” their quota for the day, shall we say?

Please don’t be Naive when it comes to those devilish lurks. If you know your Scriptures well, you would not be “sitting there long” anyway before you get a Red Light that says "don’t stay here!" It would make you spiritually nauseous, the way they treat our Sovereign God and Master like some kind of “Cyber Slot Machine” or Auction of some kind ……….they show that much respect for Him.

Who are they kidding? Once your blindfolds come off. Yes, SEE them for what they really ARE. Really speaking, the Pastors have not conditioned you for this, it’s kind of like they run spiritual kindergartens where they do your thinking for you (in the sermons) and give a spiritual massage (the laying on of hands) when you have some need – pardon the candidness of this porrtait.

They don’t encourage you to think for yourself, so you can move in discernment, to catch these preachers out and switch off that TV. Sorry to say this, if we don’t exercise our spiritual muscles, we go kind of spastic – we’re not functioning very well spiritually. And that’s why so many of God’s Kids fall for those Lurks and Perks.

 It’s time for us to grow up spiritually, if we are going to make it in this Day and Age. Really it is – the Pastors have done a disservice to the Body of Christ (in Western Countries at-least). And half the time, they’re too concerned for their Income to investigate the matter about Tithes and Offerings so everyone can know that they were really for Israel, not for Christians!

Quite a Sad State of Affairs really, when so many Christians tell their neighbor or family member “come to my church and my Pastor will pray for your need” Sorry friends, that’s the crux of the matter, when he prays for your needs as well and you do not pray for yourself and that other person, experiencing the satisfaction of seeing your own prayers answered. Disappointing, isn’t it? When your Pastor is not there 24/7. That is not meant to shame you, but just to let you know how weak the Constantine Local Church Model can make us over time.

The Remedy:

Please press in to know JESUS More. You do this by spending some Quality Time with Him each day, so you can become acquainted with His Ways. You do this best by Prayer-Reading His Word for some of that time.

Yes, why would we give Him any less time than we give our Spouse or a Child. I hope you take time to give each-other some undivided attention too – that’s what makes strong families – it really does. It’s no different with JESUS, we are as strong as the Way We Relate with Him. That’s the true meaning of a Personal Lord and Savior, relating Closely with Him (like a loved one) from day to day and evening to evening. Constantine Christianity does not encourage that, and we wonder why “we don’t  have answered prayers more often.” Maybe He rewards us accordingly for short-changing Him. Not so much with money but our TRUE AFFECTIONS.

1 thought on “Watch Those Preachers – Your Personal Walk!

  1. Peter and Melony

    We are very wary of TV Preachers! Even some local pastors impose their agendas sometimes ........flash buildings, flash cars, bigger buildings. How does that feed the hungry and homeless? It's a SIN. We have rechanneled our giving to them and we're reading scripture together more often than sermons now. We take our walk seriously and feel so much closer to The Lord. Thanks for speaking out Janet.


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