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You mean I can give as I please and feel Free in my heart? "Yes you Can" We will look at Giving with Gladness instead of sadness. It's actually New Testament Scriptural...

We will actually see what JESUS said And Early Believers Did You can say "NO" to the Church & TV Programs And have the JOY of GIVING Restored to You!!!

3 TIMES! The Holy Spirit has given me leading in this Area - including Tithes - through the years. In the 80's, the 90's and

the last time was in 2012, so I thoroughly Researched it. I had the Bible Verses....and so I sought to find out "Did the Early Believers Tithe?"....and I think you will be as surprized as I was where Christians Tithing Today actually originated from.

I let you know my findings here. I just …


Things Every Believer Should Know Pertaining To Them.

Why Church Services don’t satisfy and where Issues on Tithing come in!

Truth of the matter is “Christian Tithes” we practice Today does not date back to the EARLY CHURCH and that’s why the Fathers In the Faith fought against it. This is all accounted for in Church History.

TRUE FACTS about Tithing have been discovered about the real origin of 'Christians Tithing' for some time now – how and where it really began and most Christians have not been informed. It isn’t the ‘holy picture’ of Early Christians tithing, it’s drastically different to the imaging we have been led to believe (in ignorance) for generations now.

Both Christians and Pastors alike have been misled because Tithing IS for the JEWS under God’s Covenant with Israel as clearly portrayed in the Old …