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Televangelism: Tithes Or Bribes? Be Careful What They Teach You! 

These are restless and turbulent days we are living in the World and in the Church and troublesome Preachers abound who can make shipwreck of your bank account and your Faith if you’re not very careful.

Also, in recent years, there is another disturbing element – on the TV Scene – with so many ‘Ministries’ competing for ‘your Pastor’s Tithes’ saying “Give to this Ministry, you need to plant your Seed (money) in Good Soil to reap a Good Harvest. If you Sow into This Ground (their ministry) you will Reap a100 Fold instead of 30 or 60 Fold  - a deliberate Twist of Scripture! Watch out for this kind of “Preacher”……… Be informed, they only seek to “Make Merchandise of you” according to the Apostle Paul. He knew this Breed well in his Day and gave us such counsel concerning them.

You may have heard them before, they say things like “And if you become My Partner (there’s generally Expensive FEES for that, phenomenal rates you pay each month) you will be entitled to their SPECIAL Covering and Prayers (that are better than anyone else’s is the distinct impression they give you).” They repeat the Entitlements that come with ‘Partnership’ and make it sound really irresistible to unsuspecting Christians, persuading them to buy into their share of the Glory Realm, so to speak. Kind of like “if you don’t sign up, you’ll miss out.” And mark these words, in reality, you only get to see their Vain Glory. That’s all friends, if you Buy In. “Perpetual Vapor less Clouds” Scripture calls them. This is not to forget those who want your Tithes and everyone else's – bother a faithful Pastor on your home grounds – they will definitely tell you their side of the fence is Greener.

On this website you will see that Tithes was actually meant for the Jews, never for Christians but the point is, they seek to take Bread out of your mouths with their Tithes and Feast Day Offerings (Schemes) and your Pastor’s too. Devilish swindlers they are. They are such bad examples of Christianity, they even teach you how to Bribe God with Tithes and Offerings, to get what you want – an absolute Violation of Scripture!

Due 10:17 distinctly says:

“For The LORD your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords. He is the Great God, the Mighty and Awesome God, who shows No partiality and cannot be bribed.” (NLT)

You can't bribe God. Of all things, that is one of the most offensive to Him. All religion that tries to offer God something in exchange for His Favor is FALSE. (Eliezer Gonzalez)

Yet the Televangelist teaches you to do just that! See how Ungodly they really are?

When they start Soliciting Money:

The Lord would have you to know, that’s when you need to back-off immediately, no hesitation. Ideally, you should before that point. Yes, you need to say “REALLY!?” to that TV Screen, switch it off there and then, and go take a walk in the fresh-air to refresh yourself and change modes (think of something else).

That is the best way you can gird your mind and sober up from such enticing persuasion. Because Truth of the matter is, you have just almost been taken in by some deceitfully planned Religious Sales Work, to Get You In and line their pockets – not to mention some fancy Limousine or the Latest Jetcraft. They’re such dishonest Rogues with an insatiable Greed for More, MORE……..just like the Ways of the World. That’s why, because they are controlled by the “Spirit of the World that is at work in the Sons of Disobedience.”

Remember, these are supposed to be the Preachers with the Special Prayers you can’t go without? Does that give you sufficient reason to doubt? Believe me, if you take their words seriously, you place yourself at Risk of monthly deficits to your Bank Account and maybe the shipwreck of your Faith, because how can such ungodly men and women pray Godly Prayers for you? much less the “fervent and Effectual Prayers of Righteous Men (and women)”

Have some of you heard their volunteer workers say over YouTube that they never pray over your requests anyway but leave that for them to do, and they leave there out of good conscience after experiencing the Real Scene of these “Godly Ministries?”


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